The timezone for each device is set when you provision the device. The timezone is set to the same timezone as the phone which provisioned the device. You can adjust the timezone by tapping the settings icon on the device card, then tap Localisation. You can then select the timezone from the dropdown box.
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How can I power my Autodoor?
We recommend powering your Smart Autodoor via the included mains power adaptor for the best experience. You can power the Smart Autodoor with batteries if you wish, we estimate you will get 2+ months of battery life with a set of good quality AA batteries. If you connect your Autodoor to a solar panel or any other type of power source, we will not be able to offer any warranty (expressed or implied), support or advice.
Can the wire to the control panel be extended?
We don’t provide any solution for extending the cable, but we do sell a replacement cable that could be used for that purpose. If you want to extend the cable we suggest you speak to an electrician to make sure it’s done safely and correctly.
What happens if the door loses connection to the Wi-Fi?
Your Door settings are saved locally to the control panel. So even if your network drops out the Door will continue to use these settings to open and close. You just won’t be able to control the device via the app whilst the Wi-Fi is down.
How do I add a new coop?
You can add a new coop by clicking the menu icon on the top right. You should then select “Manage and share coops”. You can then click the “Add coop” button.
Why doesn't my control panel "wake up" when I open the app?
If you’re running the control panel on batteries rather than mains power, it will sleep to save power. Whilst it’s asleep, it is not connected to your wireless network, so there is no way to send a command to it to instruct it to wake up.
If your control panel wakes up whilst you’re using the app, the app will communicate with the control panel and ask it to stay awake while you’re active within the app, this will allow the control panel to be more responsive to your commands.
Do I have to use Mains power for Smart?
You do not have to use mains power if using the smart features of the new Omlet Smart Autodoor control panel. We do however recommend it where possible, as it will improve the functionality of the product. Using mains power will enable the control panel to maintain a constant wifi connection, meaning when you send a command to the door, it will be performed almost immediately. On battery you will have to wait up to 10 minutes for the next time your control panel wakes up and checks in with our servers.
When running on battery with the recommended power settings, we estimate you should expect 2+ months of battery life with normal usage before you need to replace the batteries.
How long is the mains cable?
The mains cable you receive with the door is 5’10”
Why does my Smart Autodoor not open when I think it should on light mode?
To prevent the door from opening unintentionally in response to torches, headlights, security lights and so on, the light level detected must remain above the level set for opening for 15 minutes before the door will open.
In the mornings you may notice in the Omlet App that the current light level reading is reported at a level higher than the level set to open the door, but the door is still closed. This is completely normal. Wait for 15 minutes, and you should see that the door has opened within that time.
Can I use the light and time settings at the same time?
You can only use one setting at a time on the Omlet Automatic chicken coop door. Though you can change which setting you use via the App at any point. You change the settings by click the Settings icon next to the device. Then click on “Door Settings”. Select the right mode for you, and then tap Save
Please note you might want to change which setting you use throughout the year, depending on your flock’s routine and the number of daylight hours.
Can I fit my Omlet Autodoor vertically?
No, the motor in the door is designed to open the door horizontally. It is also important to note that the crush detector won’t work properly when mounted vertically as chickens could sit on it and thereby activate it the whole time which would prevent the door from attempting to close.
How do I change how long the Coop Light comes on for?
You can change how long the coop light stays on for by clicking on the setting icon for the autodoor. Then select Coop Light settings. You can select the time from the “Maxiumum time on:” dropdown box. If you are using your door on battery, then you might want to reduce this time to 5 minutes to reduce the battery usage