The timezone for each device is set when you provision the device. The timezone is set to the same timezone as the phone which provisioned the device. You can adjust the timezone by tapping the settings icon on the device card, then tap Localisation. You can then select the timezone from the dropdown box.
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What settings can I have on my automatic door?
You can choose between the light setting, i.e. choosing at which level of daylight the coop should open and close, time setting, i.e. setting specific times when you know your flock has returned to the coop or are ready to go out for the day. There is also a manual mode where the door opens and closes only when you press the button.
For safety and peace of mind, there is also a built-in failsafe system for opening the door completely by hand. You can find out how to do this by checking the instruction manual.
You can change which setting you’re using whenever you want, but it’s not possible to use to different settings at the same time.
Can I connect a solar panel or other power supply?
No, we do not recommend using a solar panel with your Omlet automatic door opener.
You must use the Autodoor as specified in the instruction manual by using either the supplied power adapter or AA batteries. A set of AA batteries will last for 2+ months. We cannot offer any warranty (expressed or implied), support or advice if you connect any other forms of power supply to your AutoDoor. There is a high risk that you may damage your Autodoor, and the product may not work as intended.
Can I control my door when I'm away from home?
You can use the app to control your door anywhere your phone is connected to the internet, either via mobile data or Wi-Fi networks. Providing your Door at home is connected to your Wi-Fi network.
Can the door be used vertically?
No, the motor in the door is designed to open the door horizontally.
Can I use the light and time settings at the same time?
You can only use one setting at a time on the Omlet Automatic chicken coop door. Though you can change which setting you use via the App at any point. You change the settings by click the Settings icon next to the device. Then click on “Door Settings”. Select the right mode for you, and then tap Save
Please note you might want to change which setting you use throughout the year, depending on your flock’s routine and the number of daylight hours.
How far away from a wifi source can the door be placed?
The range of your wireless network can be affected by a number of factors, including the type of access point used, and the construction of your home. As such, it is not possible to give a general answer to this question. We recommend connecting to the wireless network you wish to use with your phone, and standing where you wish to place your control panel. If your phone indicates a good wifi signal, it should be sufficient to use with the Omlet Smart Autodoor. If your phone only shows one bar of wifi, or none at all, then you could find the signal is too weak for the control panel to work effectively. You may wish to move the coop or access point to improve coverage, or purchase a range extender
Why should I add a Omlet Coop Light?
There are two main reasons that your chickens and you will love a Coop Light.
Firstly, having a light in the coop will encourage the chickens to return to their house when it gets dark. This is especially good if you have one or two hens that tend to stay out longer than the rest.
Secondly, it’s useful to have a light in the coop if you want to check on your hens when it’s dark, maybe as you come home from work or just before you go to bed. The hens won’t be bothered by you turning on the light for a minute and peeking into the coop.
How long do the batteries last, and when should I change them?
4 good quality AA batteries of the same brand, same type and same energy level should power the Autodoor for 2+ months. If you’re not using the smart functionality, and the control panel is not connected to wifi, then we estimate you should see around 6 months of battery life.
We would suggest changing the batteries when the control panel is showing the level as 5% or lower. It’s good to check the batteries at least every month to make sure they are in good condition.
What happens if the door loses connection to the Wi-Fi?
Your Door settings are saved locally to the control panel. So even if your network drops out the Door will continue to use these settings to open and close. You just won’t be able to control the device via the app whilst the Wi-Fi is down.
Can I fit the Autodoor on my Eglu Go, Go Up or Classic?
Unfortunately, the Autodoor is not compatible with our Eglu Go, Go Up or Classic coops. However, the versatility of the frame and door design allows you to fit the Autodoor to any kind of chicken run.
What time system is used to program the door?
The Autodoor uses a 24h clock. So if you, for example, want to program your door to close at 6pm, you would set the control panel to 18:00.