Smart Autodoor isn’t responding to commands from the Omlet App
If your Smart Autodoor is not responding to commands from the Omlet App this may suggest an issue with the connectivity of the door, or a fault with the door or control panel themselves. Follow the steps below to diagnose the issue.
Check the status of the Smart Autodoor in the app. If the status is green (Connected), then the door should respond to commands almost immediately. If the indicator is amber (Sleeping), the door should respond to the command the next time it wakes up – When issuing the command, you will see a notification giving an estimated time before the control panel wakes up. Wait for this time to pass, and see if the door responds. If the status indicator is red, then the door is offline and will not be receiving commands from the app. Check our article on the offline status to see how to resolve this and get your door reconnected. For more information about the status of your devices, see our article about the three different states
If your door still is not responding, check to see if there are any issues displayed, e.g. Door Blocked, which indicate that an issue may be causing the door to be unable to open / close. See our Troubleshooting articles to learn how to resolve these issues.
If you’re experiencing an issue not covered above, there may be a mechanical issue with your door. Please contact us for further assistance