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Why do my batteries only last a week?

There are a couple of reasons why you may be experiencing poor battery life. If you’re running your control panel without connecting it to Wifi, then you may be running an older version of the firmware which has some known issues with poor battery life. To check your firmware version, scroll through the menu to Factory Reset, and the current version will be displayed underneath. If your version is older than 1.0.15, then you will experience these issues (likely you’re running 1.0.8 in this case). If you’re running an old version, follow this guide to update to the latest and resolve the problem.

If you have your Smart Autodoor connected to wifi, the update will have been applied automatically. If you are experiencing poor battery life in this situation, please ensure that your power settings are set to “Power Saving”, and Deep Sleep is enabled. For more detailed advice, please read our guide on optimising battery life for your Smart Autodoor

If you have followed the guides above, and are still experiencing issues with battery life, please contact us, and we would be happy to provide further assistance